Roasted Milk from Cod Pal Germ 551

38 Of roasted milk

If you would make roasted milk that has not been passed through (while) firm (? die do nicht vast durch komen sey) and that has stuck to (hardened in) the pot. Strike it out (of the pot) onto a white cloth and wrap it in that. Weigh it down heavily first and then let it lie from morning till night. Then boil it and strew it with salt and lay it on a wooden griddle. Let it roast well, throw some pepper on it, and drizzle it with lard or butter (depending on) if it is a meat day. And serve that.

I owe thanks to my friend Libby Cripps for pointing me to the as yet untranslated fifteenth-century culinary recipe collection that is bound with similar works on fabric dyes and on medicine in the Heidelberg Cod Pal Germ 551. It looks, at first glance, unexceptional, but I will try to keep up a flow of recipes and see whether it has anything of particular interest to offer.

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