57 Of rice (fritters)
If you would make a dish of rice, boil the rice in water and do not let boil strongly (vast syedenn). Dry it nicely and put into into a grinding bowl (reib scherbenn). Grind raw egg with it and do not make it too thin. Put fat into a pan and pass it (the rice) through your hand like a fried dough fritter (gepachenn kuchenn), and when it is fried, put sugar on it.
I owe thanks to my friend Libby Cripps for pointing me to the as yet untranslated fifteenth-century culinary recipe collection that is bound with similar works on fabric dyes and on medicine in the Heidelberg Cod Pal Germ 551. It looks, at first glance, unexceptional, but I will try to keep up a flow of recipes and see whether it has anything of particular interest to offer.
OK after I read this I tried the principle of the recipe as Mme. Jean Benoit taught in her on TV cooking classes in the 60s on CBC in Canada. I used left over rice and chunks of Dungeness crab (instead of cod) and finely chopped spring onions. In the end I left the egg out because the mashed rice (I mashed left over saffron rice with a fork) which made it somewhat gluttony and could absorb the moisture from the crab. I fried it in bacon drippings until it was crisp on either side. it was delicious!!! of course every thing is even if the bacon is only the fat…I will be making these rice fritters again with left over rice and seafood of various sorts. Thank you…
OK after I read this I tried the principle of the recipe as Mme. Jean Benoit taught in her on TV cooking classes in the 60s on CBC in Canada. I used left over rice and chunks of Dungeness crab (instead of cod) and finely chopped spring onions. In the end I left the egg out because the mashed rice (I mashed left over saffron rice with a fork) which made it somewhat gluttony and could absorb the moisture from the crab. I fried it in bacon drippings until it was crisp on either side. it was delicious!!! of course every thing is even if the bacon is only the fat…I will be making these rice fritters again with left over rice and seafood of various sorts. Thank you…