31 A dish of egg yolks
If you would make a good dish of egg yolks, add walnuts, raisins and a little white bread (semell) and pass it through a cloth together. Put it into a small pot, set it by the coals and stir it by itself. As soon as it thickens, take it off, and do not oversalt it.
This is an interesting recipe, and it sounds culinarily attractive, too. There is no parallel in section one, though there are similar preparations known as ‘Dottermus’ in Renaissance recipe collections. Add some spices and this could make a nice breakfast dish.
I owe thanks to my friend Libby Cripps for pointing me to the as yet untranslated fifteenth-century culinary recipe collection that is bound with similar works on fabric dyes and on medicine in the Heidelberg Cod Pal Germ 551. It looks, at first glance, unexceptional, but I will try to keep up a flow of recipes and see whether it has anything of particular interest to offer.