Venison sausage from the Inntalkochbuch

Just a short recipe today – it was a long workday.

<<19>> Von wiltprät würst machen

Making sausages of venison

Chop the meat small and chop bacon into it, take 16 eggs with each sausage (batch of sausages?) and season it well with spices. Scald (uberprenn) them a little, lay them on a griddle, and serve them.

It’s an interesting recipe, but far from complete. The addition of eggs suggests that we are looking at sausages intended for immediate consumption, These may have been cooking in stomachs or large intestines, and in the former case, sixteen eggs could indeed have served for just one such sausage. But we lack so much information here that any attempt to cook these would basically be informed speculation.

The Inntalkochbuch is from a monastic library in Bavaria’s Inntal region (the Inn is a tributary of the Danube), dating to the late 15th/early 16th century. It is written in Upper German and strongly reflects local culinary traditions, though some of its recipes are commonplaces found elsewhere.

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