Some instructions about salting and drying meat (I am fairly sure this actually means slow cold-smoking given there was hardly a smoke-free dry and warm place to hang it). De Rontzier is less detailed on the curing and salting process than Coler, but he has interesting suggestions for cooking.
Of dried meat
You leave beef to lie in salt for five nights, venison for three, the meat of domestic pigs or wild boars for eleven nights, mutton and veal as well as roe deer legs for three nights, swans, geese and ducks two nights. If you wish to hang up a wild boar ham with the hair, it shall lie in the salt for seven nights.
How to bring dried meat to the fire and season it
1 Item you take dried meat to the fire with water, and once it has boiled up, you add a bundle of dried clover (Kleeheuw) and let it cook with this until it is done and then cool again etc.
2 Item, you add sage, hyssop, and dried clover to it when it boils up etc.
3 You add rosemary or bay leaves when it has been bought to the fire and let it cool with this etc.
4 Item you bring it to the fire with lavender and thyme etc.
5 Item with parsley (Brussilien) and marjoram . If you want to have it done soon, add vinegar. You may use dried or fresh herbs etc.
6 You serve dried meat with cabbage and peas etc.
7 Item with sausages (Zozissen) etc.
(p. 328-9)
I suspect that these recipes would involve significant quantities of herbs, and I find the use of clover hay (Kleeheuw) most interesting. Many traditional recipes call for salted and smoked meats to be wrapped in hay before cooking, and it seems this was not just a precaution against burning them. The Zozissen are a bit enigmatic at this point. At a later date, the word Saucissen will come to refer to cooked and smoked sausages, but 1598 seems a touch early for that interpretation. It may just mean sausages in general, or preserved hard sausages that were cooked.