Apologies for missing out on two days, I was preparing a lecture on latwerge next weekend. For today, this little recipe in the Dorotheenkloster MS caught my attention:

63 Of an elderflower müs in Lent
Take elderflowers and let them boil in water. Take one pound (libra) of almonds and pound them small, and pass the almonds through and let them boil. Add starch (ummerduz), that way it turns thick, and add sugar, that way it turns sweet. Do not oversalt it.
This isn’t very exciting as a dish. Basically, it’s a Mus, a spoonable dish, and what we would call an elderflower-flavoured blancmange. Ummerduz is an odd word, but just a variant spelling of umerdum which is, of course, amydon – starch. What makes it interesting is that there are a lot of recipes that use elderflower as a seasonal flavouring. This seems to have been an extremely popular thing to do in Germany. The time window for elderflowers is narrow, though, and I haven’t found any for preserving the flavour as we do today in beverage syrup. Since all surviving recipes depend on steeping or boiling the flowers in milk, they would be off limits on fast days. Except that here, the flowers are boiled in water which is then used to make almond milk, the upper-class standby for Lent. This could easily be used to make all the other recipes, from plain porridge as in the Munich Cgm 384 collection:
48 Elderflower muoß
Take elderflowers and boil them in milk and pass that through a cloth, and make a muoß with this as you please, and with grated white bread or other things, that will taste very good (gar wol geschmack) and also be healthy. You may also colour it and spice it if you please, but it has a good flavour by itself.
And all the way to the elaborate elderflower-flavoured pasta in the Innsbruck MS:
128 If you would make a chopped elderflower porridge, boil the elderflowers in good milk and pass it through so that the milk takes on the scent. Take two eggs or 3 and good flour, beat the eggs into it and chop it very well and prepare the porridge from that etc.
Another reminder, if we needed one, to keep in mind that cooks in the middle ages were just as inventive and creative as ever.
The Dorotheenkloster MS is a collection of 268 recipes that is currently held at the Austrian national library as Cod. 2897. It is bound together with other practical texts including a dietetic treatise by Albertus Magnus. The codex was rebound improperly in the 19th century which means the original order of pages is not certain, but the scripts used suggest that part of it dates to the late 14th century, the remainder to the early 15th century.
The Augustine Canons established the monastery of St Dorothea, the Dorotheenkloster, in Vienna in 1414 and we know the codex was held there until its dissolution in 1786, when it passed to the imperial library. Since part of the book appears to be older than 1414, it was probably purchased or brought there by a brother from elsewhere, not created in the monastery.
The text was edited and translated into modern German by Doris Aichholzer in „wildu machen ayn guet essen…“Drei mittelhochdeutsche Kochbücher: Erstedition Übersetzung, Kommentar, Peter Lang Verlag, Berne et al. 1999 on pp. 245-379.