Rheinfränkisches Kochbuch (15th c.)
Mittelniederdeutsches Kochbuch (15th c.)
Recipes from Meister Hans (1460)
Recipes from Anna Wecker’s Koestlich new Kochbuch (1598)
Tannhäusers Tischzucht (13th c.)
Kölner Kochbuchnotizen (16th c.)
Recipes from Cod Pal Germ 551 (15th c.)
Königsberg Manuscript (15th c.)
Munich Cgm 384 Recipe Collection
Culinary Recipes from the Kuenstlichs und Fuertrefflichs Kochbuch (1559)
Food-related Excerpts from Wittenwiler’s Der Ring (c. 1410)
Bohemian and Hungarian Recipes from Cgm 349 (15th c.)
Mondseer Kochbuch (mid-15th c.)
Recipes from Opusculum de Saporibus (14th c.)
Liber de Coquina (early 14th c.)
Tractatus de Modo Preparandi … Omnia Cibaria (early 14th century)
Registrum Cocinae by Johannes von Bockenheim (15th c.)
Excerpts from de diaetis (11th century)
Excerpts from the Macer Floridus (11th century)
Benedictiones ad Mensas by Ekkehart of St Gall (11th century)
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SCA-RELATED: (these are reenactment-friendly recipes from original sources)
Plain Fare (Mixed Period Camp Cooking Recipes)
Late Antique Feast at Golden Arrow (December 2022)
Pies and Pastries of Renaissance Germany Workshop (November 2023)