Final recipes of section one in Cod Pal Germ 551

These are the last two recipes in section one of the culinary recipe collection in Cod Pal Germ 551. the second section, in a different hand, begins several pages later. Neither recipe is very interesting – one is a preventive folk remedy, the other a fragmentary repetition of the ‘roasted milk’ #38.

63 A beverage

If you would make a good and noble beverage so that you will not develop drusz (a sickness – the word is related to Verdruss, disappointment) in the course of a year and that no pus (eyter) may damage you in a year, take wormwood and boil it in goat’s milk, and when it has boiled, strain it through a cloth. Drink it at night and in the morning on an empty stomach and you will be safe from pus (eyter) and the drwsene (illness) etc.

64 A roasted milk

If you would make roasted milk that has not fully set (?fast durch kumen) and that has stuck to the pot. Strike the sweet matter down onto a white cloth. Wrap it in that and weight it strongly, and then let it lie from morning till night as you have written of before (reference to recipe #38).

I owe thanks to my friend Libby Cripps for pointing me to the as yet untranslated fifteenth-century culinary recipe collection that is bound with similar works on fabric dyes and on medicine in the Heidelberg Cod Pal Germ 551. It looks, at first glance, unexceptional, but I will try to keep up a flow of recipes and see whether it has anything of particular interest to offer.

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